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My Diary
by: Raphael Eugenio Moretti, New Human

Saturday, August 4, 2001
01:15 Geez! My head is KILLING me! Turn off the goddam lights.
01:16 OK, I get it. I'm out now, right? That would explain why I'm breathing. So, who's going to explain that smell, don't any of you people bathe?
Sunday, August 5, 2001
04:08 I've been out now for more than a day and so far, life is very good. I've got a pretty good system going too - I nap for a couple of hours, scream for 30 seconds and WHAM I get the biggest tit you've ever seen shoved right in my face. Life is good.
Monday, August 6, 2001
18:40 Change of scenery. This place seems kind of homey - I guess this is where my parents live. Not bad - pretty dark though. I wonder if I still get the big tit here too. WAAAAAAAAAAA ... yup.
Wednesday, August 7, 2001
14:00 Big day today, I pissed during a diaper change. My timing was good too. Dad was looking the other way and I scored a bullseye on the top of the bathroom mirror. Cool. I wonder what else I can piss on ...
14:03 Bummer. My Dad's stupid, I just pissed all over his shirt. You'd think he would have figured that was coming after the mirror thing. I hope my Mom is smarter or else my chance at academic success is in big jeopardy.
Saturday, August 11, 2001
11:15 Went to visit Nonno at work today. Cool job, lots of chicks. Even cooler, they dig me!
15:30 Learned a new trick today. If I clench real hard I can shoot stuff out of the other hole too. Judging by Dad's reaction, he wasn't expecting that.
Monday, August 13, 2001
06:30 Life sucks, I'm getting fat. Sure, I know what you're thinking: "fat babies are cute". Don't give me that crap. It's bad enough I'm not strong enough to lift my own head - how the hell am I going to get dressed for a date if I can't see my own feet to tie my shoes. WAAAAAAAA. Ah, the tit's back. Life is good.
Sunday, August 19, 2001
18:30 My first trip to a restaurant ... boring.
Monday, August 20, 2001
14:00 First Movie: American Pie II
The tit here is as good as the one at home but it's a lot darker here. I think I'll cry during all the quiet scenes in the movie - papa looks like he can use the excercise.
Tuesday, August 21, 2001
17:35 What's that smell? Is that me? Whoa!

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